Megan & Nick had to reschedule their wedding to next year when the pandemic will (hopefully) be a thing of the past, but I was happy to have a chance to work with them this year on their Engagement Portraits. The fall colors are peaking right now at a nearby park here in West Chester, and Megan actually went to school here at West Chester University, so it made sense to choose this area for their engagement session. We decided to begin the shoot with some ‘family portraits’ with their dog, Jamison.
After a few minutes I felt like we had accomplished the family picture so we said that’s a wrap, Nick drove their dog back home, then it was time to make the romantic engaged couple’s pictures. We all liked the results from before, so we started with some of those same shots in the same location, but without the dog in the picture…
I was trying little tricks to make the images come across as more natural and carefree, and just trying to get them to laugh. Then Nick realized what I was trying to do and dropped some inside joke that put Megan into a hysterical laughing fit, which I thought looked great for the photos.
Time for an outfit and location change. They put on their date night outfits while I scouted out another place to shoot. This little spot that I found had that wonderful late-afternoon light streaming in through the yellow and orange leaves, it was beautiful and only looks like this for a handful of hours on a handful of days each year.
For the next location, we headed over to West Chester University to create a few more looks before it got completely dark outside. First, I decided to shoot some ‘natural light’ images of them walking…
Then as the skies got darker I took my lighting gear back out for some night time images.