This year has been the year of the Micro-Wedding, where couples have to make some adjustment to their original wedding plans as well as trimming their guest list down to ‘under 50’, at least in our state. Jane & Jeff managed to stay within the safety guidelines by trimming their guest list down to a couple dozen people, utilizing masks and social distancing into their wedding plans, and having their entire wedding and reception happen outdoors at Downingtown Country Club.
This sounded like a nice plan from my perspective until I checked my weather app a few days prior to their wedding day, and my heart sank as I read the forecast: 100% chance of rain, about an inch of rain expected.
Luckily, the rain did hold off until later in the evening, and we were able to get their first look and all their portraits finished up, and miraculously the first couple of drops didn’t start to fall until all of their guests were comfortably and safely under the reception tent… so I would say that it went really, really well despite all of my pre-wedding-day worrying about the weather. Keep scrolling down to see how it all went down, and to review some of my favorite moments and portraits from their day.
After checking in with Jane and then Jeff, and getting a few of the classic ‘getting ready’ wedding day images, I was getting super nervous about the weather so we decided not to wait too much longer and just get outside for some pictures before it started to rain. We did their ‘first look’ photos and portraits just a few steps out front of the Country Club, instead of venturing off to some far-away location elsewhere on the golf course. This worked out really well because all of the nice gardens and flowers are situated right around this area, and it gave me some interesting backgrounds and foreground elements to use for their bride and groom portraits. Jane and Jeff were doing a great job looking dapper, like they had practiced!
We structured their timeline to get all of the portraits, then bridal party photos before the ceremony… and this plan makes sense for a lot of reasons, but the nicest thing about that plan on this wedding was that we were getting all of these shots checked off the list before it started to rain.
I thought it was kind of fun how they decided to stylize the masks and incorporate it into their bridal party ‘look’… But I’m also glad that the masks came off for a few shots.
After a bunch of outdoor bridal party group shots, Jane and Jeff went inside to just relax before their ceremony. I caught them chilling on this sofa inside the Country Club so I naturally tried to convince them to pose for a couple more shots, and I’m super glad that they took me up on it!
At their ceremony I was loving and not loving the weather at the same time 🙂 while I was worried that it might start raining, I love when the light is like this on an overcast or cloudy day since it makes a very evenly balanced and flattering quality of light…
I could really see how much they loved each other, and how happy they were to be marrying each other on this day. It hadn’t rained yet even though we all though that it would have, so after the ceremony we grabbed a couple of golf carts and drove around the courses for a little while to get just a couple more portraits before their reception started.
The wedding reception being under a tent outside worked out pretty nicely. I thought it was interesting to see how Jane & Jeff set up their unique decorations and lighting and how all of that came together for their party. Oh, and they also did an amazing choreographed dance. It started raining pretty hard during this part of the early evening, but we were all cozy and dry under the tent so don’t worry!